PE Waiver

This form is utilized by students who wish to waive out of PE due to their involvement in a Varsity sport, marching band, or Tech Prep program.  Students must enroll in another course in place of their PE class.

College/Military Visit Form

This form is utilized by students who miss school as a result of visiting a college or military branch.  This form is to be returned to the main office when the student returns from their visit in order for the attendance to be marked excused.

Guest Pass Procedure Form

Complete this form and return it to the main office if a student from outside of our school plans to attend a dance with a Central High School student.  That student can not attend the dance without receiving approval on this form.

Alternate Final Date Approval Form

This form is utilized by students who will be absent on the day of a final exam.  The student must submit this form, along with a letter from their parent/guardian, to the Assistant Principal for Student Behavior and Environment.  Prior to a student making arrangements with his/her teacher, they must receive the form back stating that it is approved.

Authorization for Course Enrollment

This form is utilized by students who wish to take a course online.  Prior to taking the course, the student must get the course approved by submitting this form.